With the goal to lay waste to Doge and take over the Cryptoverse, the Doge Demon Coin has what it takes to control them all!!!

Commanding an army of Hell Cats


Hell Hounds,


Doge Demon Coin WILL exert dominance over any coin in it’s way!!!

Buy DDMN and join in the battle today!!!

Doge Demon Coin

More than just a Meme Coin!!!

The meme coin where the investors write the story!!!

Read about our daily chart movements as battles here in our Battle Journal!!!


Contact Address




0% Tax:

MA: Revoked

100% LP Burnt

Phase 1

Website Creation

Creation Of DogeDemonCoin

X Launch

Telegram Launch


And Progress

Phase 2

List $DDMN on Raydium

Create Blog Depicting Trading Events as Battles

Marketing Campaign

DEX Updates

Phase 3

1000 TG Members

500 X Followers

$1M Volume

CMC Application

CG Application

Phase 4

Widespread Marketing

CMC Listing

CEX Listing (After $1M MCap)

Phase 5


Battle Journal

First Day of Battle

We emerged late from our safe haven to a world in chaos. So many cryptos bleeding, so much carnage. Scam Pepe and wifhat coins coming at us from all angles. But we are in this for the long haul.

My army although beaten and battered was joined by six “>1%” soldiers. We fought the rest of the day. A hard fight it was and ultimately returning to our hold bruised but ready for another day. Optimistic for tomorrows Battle.

Day 2

Today was a stagnant day no forward advances no rearward retreats, just a stalemate. I can see action off in the distance but it has not come our way yet.

The enemy has sent spies and mercenaries to me. Trying to get me to abandon my position. I will not do that, I can’t do that to my troops, it would wreck them and I will not be able to live with myself by doing that. My army has good people in it and many that will go to bat to help shill our position. I still have faith that we will make advances.

Day 3

It seems at the moment we have been cut off from the rest of the world.

The recent days have been long and uneventful. I’ve sent several messages to the faraway lands of Reddit and Discord seeking resupply and reinforcement. We shall see how they respond to our request.

I will continue to search for more and have called upon the troops to aid in this endeavor. We continue on, strong in our goals!

Day 4

We are currently holding fast on our ground. Over the last day, the land of Twitter has sent a lot more followers to us. However, none of which at this point have taken a rank among our troops. We need more to go to battle.

It won’t take much at this point for us to mount our attack on the chart and to flourish. We refuse to lay down we refuse to give up. And again we remain confident!!!

Day 5

Our day started out exciting, as our troops mounted a battle giving us a great victory, but the excitement was short lived as the momentum was not met by others with as much enthusiasm.

The rest of the day also provided little in the form of interest from the lands of Twitter and Telegram. It may just be because it is the weekend and much of the world is out and about.

Overall, we are still hanging in there, and excited to see the impact one enthusiastic soldier can make. When we rally it will happen fast and vigorous. That will be glorious.

Day 6

This day seemed like the world stopped. The entire cryptoverse stopped. Even the top 100 coins had a stale day with mostly sideways movements; any rallies were short lived and quickly extinguished.

For the most part everyone finished exactly where they started the day. The drone of mediocrity can get to a person, but is a requirement to know when good things happen.

Our faction was no different. We hunker down and ride through it as most do. Rumors of excitement and major bull runs are whispered throughout the land. Many are just waiting. Many have been here before.

But one thing is certain. These battles will go on.

Day 7

The day started out like most other days, a little slow. There was kind of a quiet tension in the air. Then it started off in the distance. An explosion! The markets were starting to run. More ruckus from the other direction. The battles were being waged all around us. The cryptoverse was gaining such a movement it was amazing…

Except for us. We’re trapped in our foxhole, just looking at each other. I tried to rally our troops, but it just didn’t happen this time around.

My correspondences from foreign lands have not yielded the response yet that I was hoping for.

I was informed that our token profile was no longer displaying our information on Dexscreener. I reached out to admin and they repaired that.

I must try harder and be more creative. I need to be strong for my army.

I will keep vigilant!

Day 8

Another day in the trenches. Another day battles are being waged. However all is quiet here. Too quiet. The troops are silent; they are looking to me to lead the charge on this rally. I’m doing the best I can, but my efforts continually seem to be thwarted.

Today we had our Twitter locked out. One more obstacle. I will though, never give up. I will press on. Forever we go.

Day 9

Overall the total market cap dropped several billion over the last day, hardly noticeable, and certainly didn’t affect us as we are isolated and alone here.

The enthusiasm from my troops currently seems to be stifled. I will trudge on for their sake.

I continue to message influencers and marketers trying to find a way to make it work. I continue to do my daily updates. I do not believe that we are done.

We just need to be discovered.

Day 10

We still have several of our big HODL’ers. I’m proud to say that there are those that still believe in me and my determination. The days are getting long. We are still here though. Still moving forward.

I’ve consulted with another General about getting in the battle again. I have some ideas to implement. I remain excited.

Day 11

The days have been excruciatingly uneventful. The evidence has hit me in the face. We need to bring in more of a presence from influencers and marketers. I’ve been forced to make a difficult decision for the greater good of my troops. I have removed most of my holdings to convert into marketing resources.

A good leader is one that know when to ask for help and that is what I will do for my army.

Day 12

This day has been a day of reflection on where we are going with this project.

Day 13

The seeking of help has been met with untruthfulness and misdirection. It seems like there are deceivers among this cryptoverse. But that is part of this battle we wage.

There will always be those that are jealous and desire to take what you have. However the strong persevere.

The strength lies in ourselves to continue on at all costs.

Day 14

This journey has been an interesting one. So much that has been learned. So much that has been experienced. We have been here in our place watching the cryptoverse around us. We have tried to make advancements, and we have not been successful in that. But as we are here we will not be forgotten. Our story is not over yet.

Day 18

To be here, with the remaining 56 holders, watching nothing. No movements. No rally. So quiet. The isolation really hits hard. A person could go mad like this. Knowing you have a good project, but not being able to get the momentum going. I am grateful to those that have stuck this out this far with me.